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Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Unable to deploy AX 2012 Reporting Extensions on SQL Server 2012 Reporting Server

Unable to deploy AX 2012 Reporting Extensions on SQL Server 2012 Reporting Server

We came across an issue where we had:
- a new server that never had Microsoft SQL Server 2008/2008 R2 or SQL Server 2012 ever installed
- we were using a Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Installation files from a network share to install the AX Reporting Extensions
- In the updates folder inside the installation share, we had a folder containing the extracted contents of SQL Server 2012 Compatibility hotfix

However the Reporting Extensions fail to install, and we get the following error in the DynamicsSetupLog.txt file:
An error occurred during setup of Reporting Services extensions.
Reason: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.BatchParser, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
System.IO.FileNotFoundException: Could not load file or assembly 'Microsoft.SqlServer.BatchParser, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.
File name: 'Microsoft.SqlServer.BatchParser, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=89845dcd8080cc91'
To resolve this issue we downloaded and installed the following two components from the SQL Server 2008 R2Feature Pack :
(1) Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 R2 Shared Management Objects (SMO)
(2) Microsoft® System CLR Types for SQL Server® 2008 R2 (required package for SMO)

Both of this you can search and download from:  Microsoft® SQL Server® 2008 R2 Feature Pack -

For more info:

Tuesday, June 19, 2012

Table Relations Normal Related Field Fixed Field Fixed in AX 2012

Table Relations (Normal , Related Field Fixed , Field Fixed) in AX 2012

Table Relations (Normal, Related Field Fixed, Field Fixed)

Lets say you have ClothesTable and ClothesOrders.
ClothesTable has the following fields: ClotheId, Name and CollectionTypeId
ClothesOrder has the following fields: OrderId, ClotheId, Qty OrderId could be a number sequence and Qty entered manually by the user.

CollectionTypeId has the following elements:
0 - Men
1 - Women
2 - Children 
Example 1: Related Fixed FieldOn MenClothesOrder we create a new relation to ClothesTable and specify the following two:
1. Normal = ClotheId to ClotheId (Best practice to specify this on the EDT) and 
2. Related Fixed Field 0 = ClothesTable.CollecTionTypeId.
This shows that the lookup to the clothes table should show only clothes with the same ClotheId (point 1) AND clothes that are of type Men (point 2) because the table deals with order for mens' clothes. We use 0 because Men is element 0 in the Enum.

Example 2: Fixed Field This kind works the other way round:

Imagine you have a ClothesOrders table (generic) and you have seperate tables for MenClothesTable, WomenClothesTable and ChildrenClothesTable. Fixed field says that the specified normal relation (on ClotheId) to MenClothesTable only works if the CollectionTypeId of the current record is set to 0 (Men) else the relation is disabled.

We use Fixed Field relation when we have 1:N relation. On certain condition one of the relation become active & other will remain deactivate. Let me use the same theme as MSDN - Clothing.

Lets say you have 4 tables

1. ChildernClothesTable
2. MenClothesTable
3. WomenClothesTable
4. ClothesOrdersTable

Create BaseEnum CollectionTypeId with the following elements:

0 - Men
1 - Women
2 - Children

Create Extended DataType CollectionTypeEDT of BaseEnum CollectionTypeId. Now use this EDT in your ClothesTable.

ClothesOrdersTable has the following fields:

1. ClotheId,
2. Name ,
3. CollectionTypeId and
4. Qty

ChildernClothesTable, MenClothesTable and WomenClothesTable has the following fields:
1. ClotheId,
2. Name

Case 1:

On ClothesOrdersTable we create a new relation to MenClothesTable and specify the follwing two relations:

1. Normal = ClotheId to ClotheId and

2. Fixed Field ClothesOrdersTable.CollecTionTypeId = 0 and SourceEDT = CollectionTypeEDT

This shows that the lookup to the MenClothesTable should show all clothes with the same ClotheId (Define in Normal Relation) AND clotheId will only bring from MenClothesTable as we are using type Men (Define in Fixed Field Relation) because we want to activate relationship for mens' clothes. We use 0 because Men is element 0 in the Enum.

Case 2:

On ClothesOrdersTable we create a new relation to WomenClothesTable and specify the follwing two relations:

1. Normal = ClotheId to ClotheId and

2. Fixed Field ClothesOrdersTable.CollecTionTypeId = 1 and SourceEDT = CollectionTypeEDT

This shows that the lookup to the WomenClothesTable should show all clothes with the same ClotheId (Define in Normal Relation) AND clotheId will only bring from WomenClothesTable as we are using type Women (Define in Fixed Field Relation) because we want to activate relationship for Womens' clothes. We use 1 because Women is element 1 in the Enum.

Case 3:

On ClothesOrdersTable we create a new relation to ChildernClothesTable and specify the follwing two relations:

1. Normal = ClotheId to ClotheId and

2. Fixed Field ClothesOrdersTable.CollecTionTypeId = 2 and SourceEDT = CollectionTypeEDT

This shows that the lookup to the ChildernClothesTable should show all clothes with the same ClotheId (Define in Normal Relation) AND clotheId will only bring from ChildernClothesTable as we are using type Childern (Define in Fixed Field Relation) because we want to activate relationship for Childern clothes. We use 2 because Childern is element 2 in the Enum.

Hope it will help you to understand Fixed field Relation in Dynamics AX.........

Happy DAXing...... :)

XPO Link:

Other Help on PDF:

Table Relations (Normal , Related Field Fixed , Field Fixed) in AX 2012

Table Relations (Normal , Related Field Fixed , Field Fixed) in AX 12

Sunday, April 22, 2012

Model Management in AX 2012,Working with Models in AOT

Model Management in AX 2012 and Working with Models in AOT for Ax 2012

Procedure: Manage Models

To show the options for AxUtil.exe, follow these steps:
1.     Open Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
2.     Enter the following commands to open the appropriate directory.
a.     Type "cd\" and then press Enter.
b.     Type "cd\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsAX\Bin" and then press Enter.
NOTE: The default path for axutil.exe is <drive>:\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\<InstanceName>\Bin folder.
3.     Type "AxUtil.exe -?" and then press Enter to list all of the commands available in the AxUtil.exe.

Procedure: Create a Model

To create a new "CONTOSOAX" model in the user, follow these steps:
1.     Open Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
2.     Enter the following commands to open the appropriate directory.
a.     Type "cd\" and then press Enter.
b.     Type "cd\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsAX\Bin" and then press Enter.
3.     Type "AxUtil.exe list" and then press Enter to list all current models.
4.     Type "AxUtil.exe create /model:CONTOSOAX /layer:Cus" and then press Enter to add the "CONTOSOAX" model.
5.     Type "AxUtil.exe list" and then press Enter to list all current models. Notice that the "CONTOSOAX" model is now listed.
Procedure: Edit a Model Version Number

You can use the/manifest parameter in a command to edit or set various fields in the model. For example, you might want to update the version number of a model after you have imported changes. To update a model version number, follow these steps:
1.     Open Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
2.     Enter the following commands to open the appropriate directory.
a.     Type "cd\" and then press Enter.
b.     Type "cd\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsAX\Bin" and then press Enter.
3.     Type "AxUtil.exe edit /model:CONTOSOAX /manifest:Version="" and then press Enter to update the version number of the "CONTOSOAX" model.
4.     Type "AxUtil.exe list" and then press Enter to list all current models. Notice that the "CONTOSOAX" model version number is now
Procedure: Export a Model

To export the "CONTOSOAX" model in the user, follow these steps:
1.     Open Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
2.     Enter the following commands to open the appropriate directory.
a.     Type "cd\" and then press Enter.
b.     Type "cd\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsAX\Bin" and then press Enter.
3.     Type "AxUtil.exe export /file:c:\CONTOSOAXModel.axmodel /model:CONTOSOAX" and then press Enter to export the "CONTOSOAX" model.

Procedure: Delete a Model

To delete the "CONTOSOAX" model, follow these steps:
1.     Open Start > All Programs > Accessories > Command Prompt.
2.     Enter the following commands to open the appropriate directory.
a.     Type "cd\" and then press Enter.
b.     Type "cd\Program Files\Microsoft Dynamics AX\60\Server\MicrosoftDynamicsAX\Bin" and then press Enter.
3.     Type "AxUtil.exe delete /model:CONTOSOAX" and then press Enter to delete the "CONTOSOAX" model.
4.     Type "Y" to confirm the deletion.
5.     Type "AxUtil.exe list" and then press Enter to list all current models. Notice that the "CONTOSOAX" model is no longer listed.
Procedure: Manage Label Files

To create a "CONAX" label file, follow these steps:
1.     Open a new development workspace, click the windows icon in the upper-right corner, then New Development Workspace, or press Ctrl+Shift+W.
2.     Open AOT > Label Files.
3.     Right-click Label Files > Create in Label file Wizard.
4.     Select Create new label file ID, then click Next.
5.     In Label file ID, type "CONAX", then click Next.
6.     Click Finish.
7.     Expand Label Files, and note that a "CONAX" label file has been created in the current layer and model.

Monday, April 2, 2012

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Posting Profile Concept

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Posting Profile Concept

The posting profiles are the integration point between the sub module (Fixed assets, Payables, Inventory, Banks, Receivables, Project, and Production)  and general ledger sub module, it is a set of ledger accounts which are used in generated an automatic ledger entry where transaction occurred. We could select different ledger accounts for each type of sub modules transactions.
The application consultant working with the controller in several workshops during the implementation phases, in the analysis phase to identify the business requirements in financial directions, in the design phase to identify the integrations point through the posting profiles for each module, in the deployment phase apply the posting profile in MS Dynamics AX 2012 and get the user acceptance (UAT) by testing every transaction and ensure that MS Dynamics AX 2012 is generate the correct entry based on the posting profile setup.
MS Dynamics AX 2012 master data are designed to be contained a group for categorization from the sub module point of view, for example the customer groups are build up  considering two main sides first side is the customers categorizations for sales reporting (Business domain, Company relations, Customer size, import, and export), and the second side is financial direction, whether setting up the posting profiles based on customer groups where each customer group is mapped into a ledger account.     
MS Dynamics AX offers a great flexibility in posting profiles setups where the posting could be on three different levels as the following:-

 All Any transaction occurred on any customers will be directed to the ledger account which assigned to all customer
 Group Any transaction on a particular customer inherits the posting profile of the customer group to which the customer is assigned.
 Table Any transaction occurred on a particular customer will be directed to the ledger account which is assigned in the posting profile
 The controllers have a common question during the design phase which level of All, Group, and Table is dominate over the other level, and do we can to assign customer to a specific group, but exceptionally this customer should be directed to another ledger account.
The logic of posting profile domination in MS Dynamics AX 2012 is working as the following, the lowest level is Table where specify customer ID is dominate over Group, and All.
MS Dynamics AX 2012 posting profile

For example: All customers directed to same ledger account, except one group is directed to another ledger account, exceptionally one customer directed to a third ledger account.

- See more at:

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Error System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission while running report

Error System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission while running report: 

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 Reporting extensions

We run into issue that whenever we used a Microsoft Dynamics AX configuration file with a Reporting Services instance (as mentioned in here: the following error was reported the first time a report was run after the restart of the SQL Reporting Services instance:
"The DefaultValue expression for the report parameter ‘AX_CompanyName’ contains an error: Request for the permission of type 'System.Security.Permissions.EnvironmentPermission, mscorlib, Version=, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=b77a5c561934e089' failed. (rsRuntimeErrorInExpression)"
Running the report for the second time, it renders without any error. The error is mostly seen with subsequent instances of Reporting Services because only then an Microsoft Dynamics AX configuration file (Microsoft.Dynamics.AX.ReportConfiguration.axc) is used but any Reporting Services instance that is set up to use an AX configuration file will throw this error.
The resolution we found was to use "FullTrust" permission set in place of  "Execute" for the "Report_Expressions_Default_Permissions" in the rssrvpolicy.config
Existing configuration:
Description="This code group grants default permissions for code in report expressions and Code element. ">
Replacement configuration:

Description="This code group grants default permissions for code in report expressions and Code element. ">



Sunday, November 27, 2011

AX 2012 Hands on Labs

AX 2012 Hands on Labs

There are a number of guided Hands on Labs now available on Partner Source, they can be found following the links below: 

  1. Workflow Implementation
  2. Accounts Payable
  3. Accounts Receivable Enhancements
  4. Expense Management
  5. Migrating Reports to SSRS
  6. Employee Procurement
  7. Client Forms
  8. Export Extend and Refresh
  9. Edit Budgets in Excel
  10. Sales Quotations in Word
  11. Import Data Using Excel
  12. Project Accounting

Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Understanding Opportunities in AX2009 – CRM Module

Understanding Opportunities in AX2009 – CRM Module

One of the nice upgrades in AX 2009 is the addition of Opportunities in the CRM module.  During a recent AX2009 -CRM module training event, it became clear that the term “Opportunities” doesn’t always fit nicely into the way some organizations think about their CRM process.  Here’s a quick overview of Opportunities and how they fit into AX.
One way to think about Opportunities is your Pre-Sales Bucket.  This bucket contains everything you need to create, develop and close sales deals.  Opportunities pick up where Leads end.  In most organizations it is important for there to be separate definitions for recording and working with potential-sales that are unqualified (Leads), and qualified (Opportunities).  In AX2009, Opportunities keep up with:
·Products being quoted
·Quoted Prices
·Sales Stage
·Associated documentation
Opportunities are not necessarily companies, and they can contain multiple contacts.  From AX2009:
When your lead record has become an opportunity record, you can start to track more sales-related information such as quotations and competitors. Tracking the competition for the sale can give you valuable information about how to win the opportunity and gain another customer.
When you manage your opportunities, you can also give probability percentages and prognosis ratings to the opportunity and track the probability percentage, or chance that the opportunity will become a customer.
As soon as you have provided quotations and the contact at the opportunity has made a decision, you can track whether you won the opportunity and the reason why you won it. If you have lost the opportunity, you can list why and to whom you lost the opportunity, as this information might be useful later.

The slide below illustrates how Opportunities and Leads fit into the AX2009 – CRM flow:

Friday, May 13, 2011

Top 10 New and Improved Features of Project Accounting Module in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

Top 10 New and Improved Features of Project Accounting Module in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012

With all the buzz and anticipation around the launch of Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 later on this year, it’s a good time to review the new functionality of the Project Accounting module (to be called Project Management Accounting in AX 2012).

Why focus on Project Accounting module in particular?

Project Accounting supports a wide range of functions and empowers companies to meet the challenges of growth, while providing the necessary business insight for success in the increasingly competitive global environment.

Here are the top 10 new and improved features of the module:

1. Project Timesheets – It seems that improving the user experience has been the focus here. The timesheet comment functionality and the start/end dates are much more user-friendly in AX 2012. Most importantly, users will be able to create and manage favorites in Enterprise Portal allowing them to create timesheets in much quicker fashion, improving both user experience and productivity.

2. Advanced funding – this one is an attention-grabber! As a much requested feature, advanced funding in AX 2012 allows project funding to be shared amongst any number of internal or external parties, aligning your ERP configuration even closer with your actual processes. Users will be able to set up funding limits for one or more customers per category, category group or transaction type.

3. Collaboration workspace – for all of the collaboration enthusiasts, the new version brings even more excitement with the ability to create and add collaboration workspace in projects, campaigns and opportunities where project team members can quickly organize and share information within AX, making it the one-stop-shop for information while increasing the team’s efficiency and organization levels. The new options can be set up and default the collaboration work spaces for users.

4. Management of projects in Enterprise Portal – AX 2012 puts an end to the time and expense only entries in EP, allowing Project Managers to create and manage the entire projects in EP. Workers can enter daily working hours in a much improved manner and project managers can approve it directly in EP, which significantly speeds up the process and increases worker productivity.

5. Beginning balances – this is an improvement with a huge impact. In AX 2012, users will be able to enter a beginning balance for a project which will help in transferring projects to Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 from legacy project management systems without affecting the general ledger. Let’s say you have been tracking a project in an outside application but managing costs and revenue in AX. You will now be able to transfer the project to AX, specify a beginning balance and then track all the information in one place.

6. Project revenue from free text invoice - AX 2012 makes it possible to track revenues which are billed though free text invoicing. This was a significant requirement missing in AX 2009.

7. Transaction adjustments - this feature will make correction of wrong project entries easier, allowing adjustments even after invoicing. Adjustment dates can be used as project dates for adjustment transactions (as opposed to transaction dates only). The relationship between the original, reversed, and the replacing transaction can be well traced now with information of what exactly the user adjusted.

8. Project budgeting – Microsoft has taken budgeting to a new level with major enhancements in this area in the AX 2012 version. Project budgeting will be available at the activity level. Project budget revisions can be created at various levels of the project and can be submitted for review and approval, which once approved would trigger an immediate change to the overall project budget. A complete history or audit trial of the proposed, original, accepted (approved), and rejected budget is available for review at any point of time. Original budget can be created to define a budget at various levels in the project hierarchy and it can be submitted for approval. It can also be allocated over a period of time. The project financial inquiry and the project financial status reports now presents details of the project budget also. If you are working on a multi-year project, you can carry forward project budget at the end of the year to the future year and make necessary changes to the general ledger accounts associated with them.

9. Item charges/costs in PO, SO and invoice lines will now be recognized in projects. Any taxes for the item charges will now be going to an expense account and item charges will now be recorded in project budgets and commitments. This is an important functionality which was not available in Dynamics AX 2009.

10. Progress billing, estimates and revenue recognition – the introduction of these features addresses the critical issue of ERP migration. When migrating from one ERP system to another, data migration is a serious issue. Bringing in the existing data into the new system is where all the hurdles arise. For example, ensuring that revenue continues to be recognized for the fixed price projects that are already underway. Since revenue recognition depends on the completion % of the project, the data must be migrated so that both % of work completed (actual cost) and the remaining work (cost to complete) are reflected in proper accounts.

Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 also promises to give a significantly improved UI experience across the modules with the introduction of new form controls such as action panes, fact boxes and fast tabs, allowing users to access critical project data in a single form without having to navigate to the related forms.

Thursday, February 3, 2011

AX Scribe Services

AX Scribe Services



Scribe account is locked out. Need to get it unlocked! 

Cost to use Microsoft Dynamics 365 by Umesh Pandit

Cost to use Microsoft Dynamics 365 by Umesh Pandit Understanding the cost of using Microsoft Dynamics 365 can be complex, as it depends on v...


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Please run the prerequisite utility for more information. Operation is not valid due to the current state of the object. (1) Microsoft Timeline (1) Microsoft dynamics AX 2012 R3 training (1) Microsoft training courses Dynamics 365 (1) Model Management in AX 2012 (1) New Microsoft training courses for Dynamics 365 (1) New Modules in AX 2012 R3 (1) Object Server 01: Fatal SQL condition during login. Error message: "The internal time zone version number stored in the database is higher than the version supported by the kernel (8/7). (1) Overview of AX kernel crash hotfixes (1) Parallel Compile on AOS of X++ (1) Parallel Compile on AX (1) Prerequisites for Dynamics AX 2012 R3 (1) PublicKeyToken=31bf3856ad364e35 (1) Publish-AXReport –Id SSRSConfigID (1) Quality Assurance for Dynamics AX (1) Query to clear logs in AX 2012 (1) Rainier AX (1) Recover a database that is in the "restoring" state (1) Related Field Fixed (1) Responsibilities Related to Microsoft Dynamics AX Administration (1) Restore the DB Form Source to Destination in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 (1) Retail Server Installation and Configuration (1) Retake Microsoft Certification Exam for Free Microsoft (1) Run AX as different user for AX 2012 (1) Run as Administrator (1) SSRS Subscriptions cannot (1) SSRS Subscriptions cannot be created because the credentials used (1) SSRS subscription via email (1) Script to Clear the cache for AX 2012 R3 CU8 via Script (1) Secure your Dynamics AX 2012 environment Umesh Pandit AX Blog (1) Set a startup message in AX 2009 (1) Set a startup message in AX 2012 (1) Setting up Email Subscriptions in SSRS (1) Shortcut keys in AX 2012 (1) Shortcut keys in AX 2012 R2 (1) Shutdown AX application (1) Slipstream updates in AX (1) Slipstream updates in AX 2012 R3 CU8 (1) Slow less in AX 2012. (1) Soar to New Heights with Dynamics AX 2015 (1) Step by Step installation of AX 2009 on Stand Alone System (1) System.Web.Services.Protocols.SoapException: An attempt has been made to use a data extension 'AXADOMD' (1) Table Relations (Normal (1) Table Relations Normal Related Field Fixed Field Fixed in AX 2012 (1) The 'Metadata' property is read-only and cannot be set (1) The Growing ERP Microsoft Dynamics AX (1) The Microsoft Timeline (1) The Model Store Has Been Modified - AX2012 R3 CheckList (1) The corresponding AOS Validation failed. (1) The formatter threw an exception while trying to deserialize the message: There was an error while trying to deserialize parameter (1) The report server installation is not initialized. (rsReportServerNotActivated) in AX 2012 (1) The slips treaming process in AX 2012 R3 CU8 (1) The target principal name is incorrect in SSRS AX 2012 R3 (1) The user or group name 'umeshp\AX2012R3' is not recognized while publishing the report via powershell (1) The user or group name is not recognized Error in SSRS AX 2012 R3 (1) Things to consider for Microsoft Dynamics AX Infrastructure (1) Things you did not know about Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 (1) Things you did not know about Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 R3 - Dynamics AX Expert Opinion - Microsoft Dynamics AX (1) This implementation is not part of the Windows Platform FIPS validated cryptographic algorithms (1) Today I Passed the Microsoft Exam 70-533 Implementing Microsoft Azure Infrastructure Solutions (1) Today I Passed the Microsoft Exam 70-534 Architecting Microsoft Azure Solutions (1) Top 10 New and Improved Features of Project Accounting Module in Microsoft Dynamics AX 2012 (1) Unable to deploy AX 2012 Reporting Extensions on SQL Server 2012 Reporting Server (1) Unable to preview the report install the Business Intelligence Development Studio feature of Microsoft SQL Server For more information (1) Unable to shrink the transaction log in AX 2012 R3 (1) Understanding Opportunities in AX2009 – CRM Module (1) UserInfo (1) Version= (1) Version= (1) Visual Studio 2010 connection to Dynamics AX 2012 (1) Visual Studio 2013 Dev Tools selection for AX 2012 R3 CU8 (1) Visual Studio Tools AX 2012 R3 CU8 (1) What are AX Build Numbers (1) What are Axapta Build Numbers (1) What is CDU in Microsoft Dynamics 365 (1) What is Microsoft Dynamics AX (1) What is Microsoft Dynamics AX (Microsoft Axapta) (1) What is Microsoft Timeline (1) What is Model File in AX 2012 R2 (1) What is Model Store in AX 2012 R2 (1) What is R3 in AX 2012 (1) What is the between Differences Dynamics CRM and Dynamics AX CRM (1) What is the between Similarities in Dynamics CRM and Dynamics AX CRM (1) What is the maximum number of Client per AOS? (1) What's the difference between importing model store versus model file (1) Whats new in AX 2012 R3 (1) Which Microsoft certification will give job (1) Which is best Microsoft Dynamics AX or SAP (1) Which table store License information in Dynamics AX 2012 (1) Why AX Is Slow (1) Why Freshers Should get microsoft certification (1) Why choose Microsoft Dynamics AX over SAP (1) WiFi not working on Windows Server 2012 R2 (1) Windows 8 Apps for Microsoft Dynamics AX (1) Windows Server 2012 (1) Working with Models in AOT (1) You Do not hold Employment in the current legal entity. New Documents cannot be created. 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